Please note that production time will vary by product,
paper stock/material, and quantity.
All the information you need to place an order with confidence
The day after your order has been shipped is considered the first day of shipping. If order ships on Monday and you select 2-day shipping, your order should arrive on Wednesday.
Please allow one additional business day after the quoted production time for your order to be prepared for pick up. Pick-up will be available at the closest pick-up location to your shipping address. We will notify you via email when your order is ready for pick-up.
Please be advised that the shipping speed time frames listed are separate from the production time frame of your order. Adding the "production time" and "ship time" of your order will give you a more accurate estimate of delivery. All production time days are counted in business days.
Your production time begins once your order is approved, paid, & processed. If processed by 9 am PT (12 pm ET), production begins that day. If processed after 9 am PT (12 pm ET), production begins the next day. Any issues with files or payment may delay your order timeline.
Rush production is not available for certain products/sizes. Order must be placed by 5 am PT (8 am ET) on a business day and approved and fully paid by 9 am PT (12 pm ET) that same day.
During holiday seasons (November 20 - January 10) as well as other holidays business is closed on, rush production time will be extended by an additional two (2) business days due to an increase in volume.
New Year's Day | ||
Memorial Day | ||
Independence Day | ||
Labor Day | ||
Thanksgiving Day | ||
Christmas Day | ||
New Year's Day | ||
Memorial Day | ||
Independence Day |
New Year's Day | |
Memorial Day | |
Independence Day | |
Labor Day | |
Thanksgiving Day | |
Christmas Day | |
New Year's Day | |
Memorial Day | |
Independence Day |
Orders that contain a Design Service request or Logo design, an estimated delivery date cannot be accurately calculated. After order is placed, most products will take 2-4 business days for design or logo design for the first proof. Once order is approved/paid, production will begin and the shipping details will be available in your My Account.
Mailing service fees are not included in the order subtotal. If you select this option, you will receive a confirmation email to start the process with a Mailing Representative. All orders that contain Mailing, EDDM, or Direct Mail, an estimated delivery date cannot be accurately calculated.
*All production times and shipping times are subject to change due to billing issues, file issues, file reuploads or holds.
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Regular and Rush columns show the number of business days for production after an order is approved and payment is processed. This does not include ship time.